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BASC condemns Yorkshire Dales nest incident

The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), has condemned an incident in the Yorkshire Dales where a nest of hen harrier chicks is suspected of being deliberately destroyed by human activity. North Yorkshire Police is calling for anyone with information about the incident near Whernside earlier this year to… Read more »

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BASC urges caution over possible changes to EU trade rules

BASC is advising members that the European Commission (EC) is considering changes to the EU rules that impact the trade of poultry eggs and birds from areas hit by Avian Influenza (AI). The EU may amend rules on surveillance requirements for imported poultry eggs and birds from Disease Control Zones, from a minimum of 90… Read more »

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John Reid promises to challenge control order ruling
Government loses control order challenge

The home secretary has pledged to challenge a Court of Appeal ruling which today said the control orders used on terror suspects broke human rights law. John Reid lost his attempt to overturn a previous court ruling that the restrictions placed on six terror suspects broke the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Three senior… Read more »

Joint parliamentary committee says wiretap evidence should be used in court
Wiretap evidence ‘should be allowed in court’

The ban on the use of wiretap evidence in court should be scrapped to allow prosecutors a better chance of convicting suspected terrorists, a parliamentary committee has said. Peers and MPs on the joint committee on human rights also propose that police be able to interview suspects once they have already been charged, even if… Read more »