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Young gundog handlers urged to enter Crufts 2023

Young gundog handlers are being urged to enter this year’s Crufts competition, with the event being described as ‘unforgettable’.   Thirteen-year-old Tallulah Dyson, who has successfully competed on multiple occasions, said she could not recommend Crufts more and was keen to urge other young gundog enthusiasts to enter.   Crufts 2023 will take place at… Read more »

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BASC Scotland raises concerns over firearms licensing report

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has expressed concerns over a potential increase in the cost of firearms licensing applications in Scotland, following the publication of a Westminster committee report. The Scottish Affairs Committee’s report, published today, draws together a conclusion following its recent inquiry on firearms licensing regulations in Scotland. The committee’s… Read more »

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Norman Baker's call for a free vote on Trident was rejected by Lib Dem delegates
Lib Dem MPs refused free vote on Trident

The Liberal Democrats have rejected calls for their MPs to have a free vote on Trident replacement, as new figures suggest the true cost of the nuclear system is £76 billion. Delegates at the party conference in Brighton defeated a motion put by former environment spokesman Norman Baker to allow Lib Dem MPs to vote… Read more »

Lord Goldsmith said intercept evidence could be "key" in securing convictions
Goldsmith favours wiretap evidence

Intercept evidence should be admissible in court for people suspected of terrorism, the attorney general has argued. There is currently a ban on using evidence from phone taps, but this could be lifted in the wake of comments from Lord Goldsmith, who said information gained in this way should be used in terrorism and organised… Read more »