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Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs bill for Church of England disestablishment

Humanists UK has welcomed the announcement of a Private Members’ Bill which would disestablish the Church of England and separate church and state. Currently the Church of England is the official state religion of England, and the monarch is both the head of state and the head of the Church of England. The practice of… Read more »

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BASC addresses members’ concerns with North Wales PCC

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has met key members of North Wales Police Crime Commission and the firearms licensing department to address concerns following a recent meeting of the North Wales Police and Crime Panel. During the meeting, in September, it was suggested that people should have a firearms licence for each gun they… Read more »

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Iain Duncan Smith's findings will be published tomorrow
Tories call for ‘Victorian values’

The Conservative party are to launch a ‘personal morality campaign’ to stop the breakdown of traditional family units. Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith will tomorrow publish the findings of his report into social justice, which claims that the breakdown of families costs £20 billion a year. The report, named Breakdown Britain, blames the collapse… Read more »

Home Office misses its targets on youth reoffending
Home Office misses targets on crime and reoffending

The Home Office has been accused of “serial failure” after the revelation that it has missed its targets on cutting crime, reducing young people’s drug use and reoffending. Shadow home secretary David Davis said the department’s annual performance review shows that despite its efforts, reoffending has got worse under the Labour government. “This amounts to… Read more »