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Home Offices launches consultation on deregulating sound moderators

BASC has welcomed a government decision to launch a public consultation on a proposal to remove sound moderators from firearms licensing controls. Launched today, the Home Office consultation seeks views on proposals to amend the definition of firearm in section 57(1)(d) of the Firearms Act 1968, removing the reference to sound moderators. Currently, sound moderators… Read more »

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First ever UK helpline launched to support ex-religious people and people leaving cults

Humanists UK is proud to announce the launch of the only UK-based dedicated helpline for so-called ‘apostates’ – people who leave high-control religions or cults. Reflecting a growing need in the UK, the move marks a significant expansion of Humanists UK’s long-standing ‘Faith to Faithless’ support programme. Recognising the highly specific and often harrowing issues… Read more »

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Threat level returns to severe
Terror investigation ‘getting to the bottom’

Police investigations into the failed terror attacks in London and Glasgow are “getting to the bottom” of the situation, the prime minister said. Gordon Brown said the investigation into the attempted explosions had become an international effort. Speaking to BBC News this morning, Mr Brown said: “I believe that, from what I know, we are… Read more »

Zeeshan Siddiqui, missing on control order
Law Lords debate legality of control orders

Law Lords will today begin reviewing the legality of the government’s controversial control orders system. A six-day hearing will consider whether the restrictions placed on some subjects violate their right to liberty and the right to a fair trial. It will also consider the home secretary Jacqui Smith’s appeal against a Court of Appeal ruling…. Read more »