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Fighting Fund delivers significant firearms certificate victory for member

BASC’s fighting fund, set up to fight the corner of members who have been victims of injustice, has successfully helped a member win costs against the police. The BASC member was awarded costs of £4,000 after a successful appeal against revocation of his certificate. BASC put Cheshire Constabulary on notice last year that costs would… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK comment on assisted dying report – positive but a missed opportunity

The Health and Social Care Committee’s report on assisted dying has been published today. Humanists UK has welcomed the evidence-based nature of the report, but expressed disappointment that the committee missed the opportunity to draw firm conclusions or recommend specific changes to the law. Although the report does not make any recommendations for or against legislative… Read more »

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Investigation into Rhys' death hampered
Police demand anonymity for gun crime witnesses

Ministers must change the law to guarantee witnesses of gun crime anonymity, senior police officers have said. The police are concerned many witnesses to serious crime are not coming forward to give evidence due to a fear of reprisals. The Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) is now lobbying the government to change the law… Read more »

Govt launches review of game violence
Brown’s ‘calm and measured’ approach to gun crime

Gordon Brown said the government is working “behind the scenes” to tackle gun crime. The prime minister said he was pursuing a “calm and measured” approach to reducing gang violence, but said this may include new legislation. The Conservatives have attacked Labour for trying to legislate their way out of gun and gang violence, rather… Read more »