Crime Levels

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Scottish Assisted Dying Bill Published – Humanists UK Comment

The Assisted Dying Bill Scotland has been published today. Humanists UK welcomes the bill and hopes it passes the next stage, but urges politicians not to ignore people like Tony Nicklinson, who would not be eligible for the proposed law. Currently, the Bill is limited to only people who are terminally ill, which has a legal… Read more »

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PCC Elections – BASC Needs You

Elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will take place on 2 May 2024 and provide the perfect opportunity for the shooting community to find out where local Police and Crime Commissioner candidates stand on firearms licensing. BASC has launched a contact platform which allows you to search for your local PCC candidates by police… Read more »

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Cameron berated over 42-day detention
PM berates Tories over 42-day detention

Gordon Brown told the Conservatives they should “think again” on the case for an extension of the pre-charge detention limit for terror suspects to 42 days in today’s prime minister’s questions. Tory leader David Cameron used all his six questions on 42-day detention issue, predicting a similar “U-turn” would be necessary over the issue as… Read more »

Report criticises failings which led to Anthony Joseph's release
Criminal justice failings identified over bus stabbing

Failures in the criminal justice system have been highlighted by the solicitor general following the fatal stabbing of a bus passenger by a man wrongly released from jail. Anthony Joseph is currently serving an indefinite sentence in Broadmoor after pleading guilty to the manslaughter of Richard Whelan on July 29th 2005. The 23-year-old had been… Read more »