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MDU calls for urgent reform to clinical negligence legislation.

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has today called for the new government to focus on the unsustainable cost of clinical negligence claims and to prioritise proposals for legal reform following the publication of NHS Resolution’s (NHSR) Annual report for 2023/24. The report found that in 2023/24 NHS Resolution, the body responsible for clinical negligence claims against GPs… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists welcome Assisted Dying Bill drawn 2nd in Lords ballot

A Bill that proposes to legalise assisted dying for adults of sound mind who have six or fewer months left to live has secured second place in the House of Lords private member’s bill ballot. The Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill is being put forward by Lord Falconer, and unlike previous bills, has… Read more »

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New knife crime advert from the Home Office
Knife crime campaign targets children

By staff Children as young as ten years old are being targeted by the government’s latest anti-knife campaign. The Home Office’s It Doesn’t Have to Happen campaign focuses on ten- to 16-year-olds by demonstrating the clear link between carrying a knife and a much greater risk of loss of life or freedom, or serious… Read more »

Home secretary Alan Johnson has admitted that there were "no excuses" for the deaths of Fiona Pilkington and her disabled daughter.
Johnson: ‘No excuses’ for Pilkington deaths

By Liz Stephens Home secretary Alan Johnson has admitted that there were “no excuses” for the catalogue of failings that led to the deaths of Fiona Pilkington and her disabled daughter. Ms Pilkington killed herself and her daughter by setting fire to their car in a lay-by in Leicestershire after suffering ten years of abuse… Read more »