Greenpeace responds to closing of Rosebank and Jackdaw hearing

Responding to the closing of the Rosebank and Jackdaw judicial review hearing, Philip Evans senior campaigner at Greenpeace UK, said:

“This week Shell, Equinor and Ithaca conceded to the court that Rosebank and Jackdaw are unlawful fields, but they want to continue to develop them anyway regardless of the climate damage they will cause.

“Floods and hurricanes fuelled by their actions are bringing death and devastation around the world, but these oil companies are arguing about the money they spent on these fields, proving once again that for them profit is the only thing that matters.

“The writing is on the wall for fossil fuels but right now these companies are trying to squeeze every last drop out of the North Sea to maximise their profits. The government knows these projects are indefensible, but Shell, Equinor and Ithaca act like they’re above the law. It’s time they stop trying to con the public, the courts, and the government and immediately halt these reckless and unlawful projects.”