TUC – King’s Speech begins the process of repairing and rebuilding Britain

  • Union body strongly welcomes new employment bill and commitment to bring legislation forward within 100 days
  • TUC says Equality (Race and Disability) Bill is also badly needed, and supports measures including launch of GB Energy, creation of Skills England and rail being brought back into public ownership

Responding to today’s (Wednesday) King’s Speech, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:

“This King’s Speech begins the process of repairing and rebuilding Britain after 14 years of chaos and decline.

“Whether its boosting workers’ rights, launching GB Energy or bringing our railways back into public ownership – this is a serious statement of intent.

“Working people need – and want – a government that will deliver meaningful change and be on their side.”

Commenting on the government’s commitment to deliver an employment bill within its first 100 days – and wider government commitments to deliver a genuine living wage and remove the discriminatory minimum wage age bands – Paul added:

“The Employment Bill will be a vital stepping stone towards making work pay and ensuring everyone has security and respect at work.

“It will help create a level-playing field and ensure good employers are not undercut by the bad.

“Improving the quality of work is hugely popular with voters across the political spectrum and can be at the heart of Labour’s plan to raise living standards.

“Delivering the New Deal in full will improve the working lives of millions and help turn the page on an era of low pay, low rights and low productivity.”

Commenting on the Equality (Race and Disability) Bill, Paul added:

“Labour is right to act to tackle race and disability pay gaps and pay discrimination at work head on.

“Everyone in this country deserves the chance to thrive. But we know that BME and disabled people still face huge discrimination at work and in wider society.

“And we know that BME and disabled people are disproportionately more likely to be trapped in low-paid and insecure work.”

Commenting on rail services being brought back into public ownership and additional investment in high-speed rail across the North of England, Paul added:

“Rail privatisation has been a disaster for passengers and taxpayers alike.

“Train companies have prioritised shareholder returns over providing quality services.

“The government is right to bring our railways back where they belong – in public ownership.

“And the today’s announcement of additional investment for the North is a welcome boost for growth and connectivity in the region.”

Commenting on the Skills England Bill, Paul added:

“The UK has been crying out for a proper skills strategy for years.

“With AI, automation and climate change transforming the world of work, we must ensure people have the skills they need to do the jobs our economy needs.

“This is a serious plan that will bring unions, employers, providers and government together to end the skills deficit in this country.”