Bond launches anti-racism framework for NGOs

Bond launches framework to support organisations build anti-racist practices and decolonise the international development sector 

Bond, the UK network of international development organisations, has launched the free online resource, Anti-racism and decolonising: a framework for organisations

The framework maps out how systemic racism manifests across all areas of the international development sector and supports organisations to build anti-racist practices and to make steps to decolonise the sector.

The framework shows the necessity of an anti-racist and holistic approach to decolonising our organisations to create a fairer, more equitable and racially just sector. It demonstrates how and why an anti-racist approach must be embedded into any attempt to decolonise international development organisations.

Anti-racism and decolonising: a framework for organisations has been developed by Bond and the Bond’s People of Colour in Development working group, as well as multiple Black people and people of colour working across the UK charity sector. It is designed to be used by individuals and teams across all functions of an organisation, with starter questions for CEOs to support addressing power imbalances.

The anti-racism and decolonising framework follows the release of the resource, Becoming locally led as an anti-racist practice which aims to support organisations to become locally led and decolonise the development system. An anti-racist and locally led approach to international development is seen as vital to help create a more sustainable, just and equitable world for all.

Lena Bheeroo, Equity and Engagement Manager at Bond, said:  

“The issue of tackling and dismantling racism is a priority in our sector and within our organisations. This work must not solely sit with HR teams or with the CEO of an organisation. This framework was created by people of colour from across the sector and is designed to be used by all individuals working in development organisations and can be used to start a conversation about how to become actively anti-racist.”

Dharmacharini Saravantu, Associate member and former Trustee of Karuna, said:  

“The framework provides a bigger picture of all the areas that we need to address in organisations, and it’s a great starting point for trustees and others to start having conversations about anti-racism, power and EDI. It highlights why everyone is responsible for taking action in their areas of work. For trustees it’s important to remember we have a responsibility to lead by example and take seriously the risk in not doing this work.”

Leila Billing, of the People of Colour in Development working group, said: 

“Building anti-racist, anti-oppressive organisations requires us to light many fires: it asks us to take action at individual, interpersonal, institutional and structural levels. This framework supports you to do just that. It poses critical questions about how seemingly neutral organisational functions and systems may be perpetuating racial inequality. In opening up new pathways for action, it is a real gift for all individuals working in development organisations.”

Anti-racism and decolonising: a framework for organisations is available on Bond’s website.