COP27 ends with Loss and Damage fund

COP27 ends with Loss and Damage fund – Friends of the Earth reaction 
A historic COP27 deal that sees a first step towards wealthy nations providing loss and damage funding for vulnerable countries to help them deal with the impacts of climate change has been welcomed by Friends of the Earth.
However, the environmental campaign group warned that little progress has been made during the climate talks in phasing out coal, oil and gas, and securing the action needed to avert catastrophic global warming.
Friends of the Earth’s international climate campaigner, Rachel Kennerley, said:
“The welcome decision to create a loss and damage fund was the only just outcome of COP27. This is an important step forward in re-addressing the balance between those that have done the most to cause climate change and those least responsible but who suffer the worst impacts.
“Wealthy countries must now support the setting up of this fund – and crucially its financing – to ensure it reaches the frontline communities hardest hit by the climate crisis. Countries like the UK must now provide the necessary cash, and ensure the scheme isn’t undermined by nations trying to avoid their obligations.
“Elsewhere in the talks, the rich, industrialised countries worked hard to avoid ending their addiction to coal, oil and gas – instead favouring dangerous and ineffective distractions, like offsetting, over cutting emissions.
“Accelerating energy efficiency programmes and fast-tracking green energy are not only good for the environment, they will also help build the clean, fair and prosperous economies of tomorrow.
“And with the world on a climate change collision course, we don’t have time to waste.”
Friends of the Earth raised concerns that COP27 was held in a country where protest and criticising the government are punished harshly.
Friends of the Earth’s international climate campaigner, Rachel Kennerley, said:
“We join the wider climate justice movement at COP27 in calling for the release of prisoners of conscience here in Egypt including Alaa Abd El-Fattah, a British-Egyptian political prisoner. There can be no climate justice without human rights.”